[Results] SuperSU Icon Competition
Posted by Chainfire on 23-01-2013 at 14:25:00 - Comments: 182 - Views: 63924
Project: SuperSU - Tags:
Project: SuperSU - Tags:
A lot has been said about the SuperSU icon. Many were unhappy with the original icon, saying it lacked quality. After changing it to Super Andy, many complained the icon was not serious enough. Just as many people wrote me to say they loved Super Andy, as there were who hated it.
So, a few months ago I decided to have an icon competition, where everybody could send in their icon for consideration - to see if they could do better. On the last day of 2012, voting started, and now - a little over three weeks later - it is time for the results!
Late entries
Surprisingly, even though submission of icons has been open for four months, after the voting started, people still submitted new icons. Unfortunately, those could not be added to the voting - even though some of them were really good!
Super Andy is here to save the day
I was also surprised to see just how popular Super Andy is. The much-complained-about icon has received almost three times the number of positive votes than the runner up. If you subtract the negative from the positive votes, it's approval rate is over four times that of the runner up. Super Andy is the clear winner here!
As so many people got their nickers in a twist over Super Andy, I cannot be content with just sticking to Super Andy. So I did some coding, and I'm happy to announce that the upcoming version of SuperSU will come with four different icons. You can select which one to use under settings, and it will (obviously) default to Super Andy. Unfortunately, this requires some hard-coding, and the same technique cannot be used to use any user-provided custom icon.
The following icons will be present (note that I made up the titles on the spot):
1. Super Andy (Juan Castillo)
1746 positive votes, 403 negative votes, 1343 difference
Super Andy needs no further introductions, I believe.

2. Chip (Shoaib Ahmad)
726 positive votes, 396 negative votes, 330 difference
I was slightly surprised this entry was the runner up. Thought it's a nice icon, it was not in my personal top-5.

3. Emblem (Tha Phlash)
596 positive votes, 312 negative votes, 284 difference
One of my personal favorites, from none other than Tha Phlash.

4. SuperSU (Robert McKenna)
553 positive votes, 300 negative votes, 253 difference
Though simple in design and hardly jumping out at the user, this one works surprisingly well on-device. The white background and the badly scaled image you see below do not do justice to it's actual appearance in the launcher.

Case closed
Let us hope this finally brings an end to all the nagging and drama about the icon. Do you have an opinion on any of these icons? Would you like to see a different icon be used for SuperSU? Too late - case closed.
If nothing else, I hope the choices from these four icons will appease most of the SuperSU userbase ...
So, a few months ago I decided to have an icon competition, where everybody could send in their icon for consideration - to see if they could do better. On the last day of 2012, voting started, and now - a little over three weeks later - it is time for the results!
Late entries
Surprisingly, even though submission of icons has been open for four months, after the voting started, people still submitted new icons. Unfortunately, those could not be added to the voting - even though some of them were really good!
Super Andy is here to save the day
I was also surprised to see just how popular Super Andy is. The much-complained-about icon has received almost three times the number of positive votes than the runner up. If you subtract the negative from the positive votes, it's approval rate is over four times that of the runner up. Super Andy is the clear winner here!
As so many people got their nickers in a twist over Super Andy, I cannot be content with just sticking to Super Andy. So I did some coding, and I'm happy to announce that the upcoming version of SuperSU will come with four different icons. You can select which one to use under settings, and it will (obviously) default to Super Andy. Unfortunately, this requires some hard-coding, and the same technique cannot be used to use any user-provided custom icon.
The following icons will be present (note that I made up the titles on the spot):
1. Super Andy (Juan Castillo)
1746 positive votes, 403 negative votes, 1343 difference
Super Andy needs no further introductions, I believe.

2. Chip (Shoaib Ahmad)
726 positive votes, 396 negative votes, 330 difference
I was slightly surprised this entry was the runner up. Thought it's a nice icon, it was not in my personal top-5.

3. Emblem (Tha Phlash)
596 positive votes, 312 negative votes, 284 difference
One of my personal favorites, from none other than Tha Phlash.

4. SuperSU (Robert McKenna)
553 positive votes, 300 negative votes, 253 difference
Though simple in design and hardly jumping out at the user, this one works surprisingly well on-device. The white background and the badly scaled image you see below do not do justice to it's actual appearance in the launcher.

Case closed
Let us hope this finally brings an end to all the nagging and drama about the icon. Do you have an opinion on any of these icons? Would you like to see a different icon be used for SuperSU? Too late - case closed.
If nothing else, I hope the choices from these four icons will appease most of the SuperSU userbase ...