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Project articles

SuperSU: the "dumpstate" situation

A few days ago, I released SuperSU v1.00. Shortly after, it became apparent a number of users were suffering from an issue where dumpstate would request superuser access. Neither accepting nor denying dumpstate would really help, and for some users t ...

SuperSU v1.00 has been released !

I have just released version 1.00 of SuperSU on both Google Play as well as XDA. This article serves as the release notes - for a bullet-point list of changes, see the changelog post on XDA.

[Results] SuperSU Icon Competition

A lot has been said about the SuperSU icon. Many were unhappy with the original icon, saying it lacked quality. After changing it to Super Andy, many complained the icon was not serious enough. Just as many people wrote me to say they loved Super And ...

[Vote] SuperSU Icon Competition

A lot has been said about the SuperSU icon. Many were unhappy with the original icon, saying it lacked quality. After changing it to Super Andy, many complained the icon was not serious enough. Just as many people wrote me to say they loved Super And ...

[Submit] SuperSU Icon Competition

A lot has been said about the SuperSU icon. Many were unhappy with the original icon, saying it lacked quality. After changing it to Super Andy, many complained the icon was not serious enough. Just as many people wrote me to say they loved Super And ...

SuperSU v0.70 has been released !

SuperSU is a Superuser replacement app I wrote due to some issues I kept having with Superuser.