Windows Mobile 6.x Hackery Explained
Posted by Chainfire on 23-05-2012 at 13:35:00 - Comments: 115 - Views: 30527
Tags: Marketplace Good news Developer tools Windows Mobile
Tags: Marketplace Good news Developer tools Windows Mobile
This week, the Windows Mobile 6.x Marketplace was closed. The end of an era :)
EU developers and market(place)
Posted by Chainfire on 07-02-2011 at 17:35:00 - Comments: 57 - Views: 19378
Tags: Android Windows Mobile Windows Phone 7 Series Marketplace
Tags: Android Windows Mobile Windows Phone 7 Series Marketplace
Introduction and disclaimer
Turbo3D v3.0 *FINAL* released
Posted by Chainfire on 26-07-2010 at 12:40:00 - Comments: 65 - Views: 22070
Project: HD2/Leo OpenGL Drivers - Tags: Drivers Marketplace Good news Windows Mobile
Project: HD2/Leo OpenGL Drivers - Tags: Drivers Marketplace Good news Windows Mobile
Turbo3D v3.0 (formerly known as HD2/Leo 3D Driver Patch) has been released both on XDA and Marketplace (experiment).
mmTask 1.2 released on Marketplace
Posted by Chainfire on 12-03-2010 at 11:30:00 - Comments: 24 - Views: 18681
Project: mmTask - Tags: Good news Marketplace Windows Mobile
Project: mmTask - Tags: Good news Marketplace Windows Mobile
Today (March 12) mmTask 1.2 was released on Marketplace. 1.0 had been available for a while, but still had some issues - as some of the comments on Marketplace also state.
Marketplace report parser
Posted by Chainfire on 02-03-2010 at 13:25:00 - Comments: 25 - Views: 16701
Project: Marketplace Tools - Tags: Good news Marketplace Developer tools
Project: Marketplace Tools - Tags: Good news Marketplace Developer tools
As Marketplace does not produce very useful reports, I created my own report parser for it. I've been using it for months now, thought I would share. It isn't exactly user friendly to set up, but once it's up and running it is very handy.
Marketplace price calculator
Posted by Chainfire on 22-02-2010 at 09:35:00 - Comments: 32 - Views: 17257
Project: Marketplace Tools - Tags: Good news Marketplace Developer tools
Project: Marketplace Tools - Tags: Good news Marketplace Developer tools
As converting prices and entering them into the developer portal for Marketplace is a cumbersome and lengthy operation, I've written a small calculator that takes care of most of the work for you. Nothing Microsoft could not have incorporated into th ...
Marketplace "advanced" "copy protection" cracked
Posted by Chainfire on 12-11-2009 at 20:45:00 - Comments: 31 - Views: 18248
Tags: Bad news Marketplace Windows Mobile
Tags: Bad news Marketplace Windows Mobile
As posted in the XDA thread here:
Marketplace "copy protection" cracked
Posted by Chainfire on 05-10-2009 at 18:00:00 - Comments: 10 - Views: 17091
Tags: Bad news Marketplace Windows Mobile
Tags: Bad news Marketplace Windows Mobile
Marketplace "copy protection" cracked ("standard") - method not disclosed: