live dmesg v1.50 released
Posted by Chainfire on 05-04-2011 at 11:45:00 - Comments: 134 - Views: 29638
Project: live dmesg - Tags: Android Good news Developer tools
Project: live dmesg - Tags: Android Good news Developer tools
live dmesg is the one and only boot animation replacement that shows the actual dmesg log (kernel debug messages). It looks a bit similar to a BIOS boot. Handy for developers too! Unlike other similar apps, the information you see on screen is real and live, not a pre-recorded fake.
The price is aimed at being "one beer" (at the bar, not the supermarket). Google does the price conversion, but if it comes out way above that in your area, let me know.
!! requires a fully rooted device !!
The application uses some (root) trickery to get itself installed and running, and it may not be compatible with all devices. It also requires writable /system in many cases. It has been tested and found working on the following devices (though it may not work on all firmwares and kernels for a specific device):
- Samsung Galaxy S
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 7"
- Samsung Vibrant
- Samsung Captivate
- HTC/Google Nexus One
- HTC Thunderbolt
- HTC Desire
- HTC Desire Z (T-Mo G2)
- HTC Desire HD
- HTC Incredible
- HTC Evo
- HTC Hero
- Motorola Droid
- Motorola Droid X
- Motorola Cliq
- Motorola Milestone
- Motorola Atrix 4G
- MyTouch 4G
It is likely to work on many more devices, if you use a non-listed device and it works, please leave a comment!
This program now also has a cousin: live logcat. They fully integrate, you can view dmesg, logcat, or both (split screen) during boot. Tapping on the screen or pressing a button will switch between them.
Link XDA thread
Link Android Market
Video YouTube

The price is aimed at being "one beer" (at the bar, not the supermarket). Google does the price conversion, but if it comes out way above that in your area, let me know.
!! requires a fully rooted device !!
The application uses some (root) trickery to get itself installed and running, and it may not be compatible with all devices. It also requires writable /system in many cases. It has been tested and found working on the following devices (though it may not work on all firmwares and kernels for a specific device):
- Samsung Galaxy S
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 7"
- Samsung Vibrant
- Samsung Captivate
- HTC/Google Nexus One
- HTC Thunderbolt
- HTC Desire
- HTC Desire Z (T-Mo G2)
- HTC Desire HD
- HTC Incredible
- HTC Evo
- HTC Hero
- Motorola Droid
- Motorola Droid X
- Motorola Cliq
- Motorola Milestone
- Motorola Atrix 4G
- MyTouch 4G
It is likely to work on many more devices, if you use a non-listed device and it works, please leave a comment!
This program now also has a cousin: live logcat. They fully integrate, you can view dmesg, logcat, or both (split screen) during boot. Tapping on the screen or pressing a button will switch between them.
Link XDA thread
Link Android Market
Video YouTube